March9 , 2025

Losing Control of Bladder


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Losing Control of Bladder

Bladder problems are more common than one might think they are. Losing control of bladder is the common term used to refer to bladder issues while the  medical term for this problem is bladder incontinence. The extent of the problem can range from mild to extreme.

In mild cases, a patient may suffer from minor leakages but in the extreme cases, a patient can end up emptying their whole bladder by losing any voluntary control over the organ and its excretory mechanism.

Who is Affected by Losing Control of Bladder?

Everyone can be a victim of bladder incontinence. However, if we consider the ratio of this issue in different genders, it is found that this problem is more common in women. Also, people over the age of 50 are more likely for losing control of bladder than the younger age group.

According to a survey by the American Academy of Family Physicians, it is shown that the number of people in the US alone that suffer from bladder issues range in millions. These people belong to all ethnicities, age groups and genders but the elderly are most commonly affected. This is due to the fact that with age, the body’s control over its muscles is not as strong as it used to be during the youth. This is the leading cause of urinary incontinence.

Types of Losing Control of Bladder

There are different types of bladder control issues and it is possible for one person to be suffering from more than one of them or all of them at the same time.

  1. Stress Incontinence

This is the kind of incontinence in which a certain stress is put on the sphincter muscles in the body. These muscles are responsible for controlling the urine in the bladder and once they are loosened, it results in losing control of bladder.

A person may suffer from this type of continence if they tend to lose control of their bladder during certain activities such as exercising, coughing or sneezing or walking up and down the stairs. Anyone cam be affected by this kind.

  1. Urge Incontinence

This occurs when you have been holding the urine in for a quite a long time and a point comes where the urge is so strong that there is no way to reach the bathroom in time. This kind is also quite common and is experienced by women, mostly.

  1. Dribbling Incontinence

This is the type of incontinence in which you do reach the toilet in time but you do not completely empty your bladder. As a result of this, there are drops of urine dribbling from urinary tract even after you get up.

This kind of incontinence may also be called as overflow incontinence in scientific terms.

Factors that Lead to Losing Control of Bladder

There are certain factors that lead to losing control of the bladder. Some of them such as age are inevitable while others can be treated and are expected to go away with time.

  • Aging

With age, the body loses its control on the muscles. The sphincter muscles is the name given to those muscles that are in control of the bladder. They constriction and relaxation allows the pathway for urine to open and close. As you age, these muscles become weak and may constrict and relax involuntarily, giving you lesser control over your bladder.

To ensure this does not happen, you need to have a healthy diet while you are growing up so that the body is still in control of its excretory function when you are above the age of 50.

  • Damage to Pelvic Flood Muscles

The muscles of the pelvic floor are the ones that are supporting the bladder. If they get damaged, you are at high risk of losing control of bladder. This damage may be caused due to hysterectomy or any other kind of surgery.

This kind of incontinence is quite common in woman since pregnancy and childbirth are a leading cause of this issue.

  • Enlarged Prostate Gland

Mem have their prostate gland over the bladder. This is the gland that is involved in the nourishment of the sperm and as the male ages, the prostate gland also tends to grow in size. This growth in size is accompanied by more pressure on the bladder, which is further cause of urinary incontinence.

  • Cancer

Cancer is another cause of losing control of bladder. It may not be the most common one but it is the most severe one. You may have bladder cancer, that can lead to urinary incontinence. Even the treatment for any cancer can lead to this problem as it hinders the control of the body over the urinary tract and the bladder.

  • Beverages

Some beverages may also cause bladder issues. If you consume too much alcohol, you are prone to losing control of bladder. This is the same with people who drink too many caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea. They tend to lose control of their bladders.

Other causes of urinary incontinence may include constipation and kidney stones. Moreover, if you have an infection in your urinary tract, it may also cause losing control of bladder. People who take strong medications for different diseases such as heart problems are also at risk of becoming the victims of bladder issues as the side effects of these medicines weaken the body’s control over the bladder.

Treatment for Losing Control of Bladder

As soon as you experience any of the problems mentioned above, you should visit your doctor and ask for medical advice. The doctor would recommend a urine test to determine the cause of the problem. Then, they may plan a urine break schedule for the whole day or advise you to wear adsorbent pads. Several medications are also involved in the treatment process for urinary tract infection.

Treatment by Supplements

Like all other issues, this one can also be combated with supplements. Activguard is the most efficient supplement in the market for the treatment of urinary incontinence. It works by reducing the size of the prostate gland in men so that there is less pressure on the bladder and the urinary issues are tackled.

Made with completely natural ingredients, this supplement is aimed at ensuring that your bladder stays in your control and you do not have to be embarrassed in social gatherings or when hanging out with your friends. It also helps to reduce the feeling of urgency that is accompanied by discomfort in the bladder region in people suffering from urinary incontinence.

Dosage for Activguard

For people who are at risk of losing control of bladder, the dosage of Activguard is simply two tablets per day. The whole bottle contains 60 pills, of which two are to be taken everyday. This means that one bottle is enough for the month. Having extracts of Vitamin D3, this supplement is efficient in the regulation of bodily functions and mechanisms.

Also, it has high concentration if Magnesium which also has a regulatory impact on the excretory system of the body. Other Vitamins include B12 and Vitamin C, both of which are important for the immune system of the body and for strengthening the body parts and organs.

How to Avoid Losing Control of Bladder

For avoiding losing control of bladder, you need to follow a few steps on daily basis. Firstly, it is imperative to have a healthy diet. An unhealthy diet is the precursor of plenty of problems in the body including urinary incontinence.

Secondly, it is important to exercise daily. When you exercise, you strengthen the muscles in your body. In this way, your body will still have control over the bladder when you are old. Thirdly, to avoid urinary incontinence, it is essential to limit the alcohol consumptions. Consuming alcohol in limited amounts is beneficial for the body but if you consume more than the recommended limit, your body can suffer from urinary incontinence.

Also, it is important to cut down the intake of caffeine if you want to prevent the onset of urinary incontinence. Losing control of bladder is normally a result of excessive intake of caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea. Lastly, smoking can also cause losing control of bladder. So, it is important to quit smoking for other health hazards such as cardiovascular diseases and for this one too.

Stigma Associated With Losing Control of Bladder

In the society of today, people are ashamed to talk to their doctors or even their family members about their bladder issues. It must be kept in mind that losing control of bladder is a medial condition which requires medical attention, so it not be left unattended.

If you face any of the issues mentioned in the article, head straight to your family doctor for consultation. If you are too shy, you can tell you closest relative or friend. Alternately, Activguard can be taken too if you are too embarrassed to go for a prescription. It is, however, advised to let a doctor advise you about taking a supplement if you have any chronic illness.